Defending American Global Leadership Against Emerging 21st Century Threats.
To develop and promote principled national security and defense policies from a traditional American leadership perspective — but with a clear focus on the emerging global (and domestic) strategic environment of the 21st century. We intend to have maximum impact in minimal time, with minimal cost. We rely on a virtual model, with Advisors, Fellows and Contributors to provide the analysis and momentum to help us effect change. Combining analytical models with values-driven insights, we provide solutions to impact the defense debate.
CADS is a non-political, non-partisan, independent, non-profit 501 (c) 3.
CADS is led by CEO Paul Crespo, an American national security expert with over 30 years experience in US military, diplomatic, intelligence and corporate security fields. A former US Marine Corps officer, Paul served as a Naval and Defense Attaché with DIA at various US embassies worldwide. He also led projects at USSOCOM and USSOUTHCOM as a defense contractor. Paul has taught World Politics at the University of Miami and served on the Miami Herald Editorial Board. He is aided by a respected team of Senior Advisors, Adjunct Fellows and Contributors.
Paul is also Managing Editor of
American Defense News and CEO of SPECTRE Global Risk , LLC - an international geopolitical rIsk advisory.
Seeing the need for an agile, energetic, forward-leaning organization to help defend America's traditional global leadership against emerging 21st century threats, we formed CADS in 2020. We will provide real-world analysis and realistic, sensible solutions to America's most pressing strategic defense and national security needs - for this decade and beyond.
Our Key Subject Areas include: American Power, China, Russia, Unconventional Threats (Gray Zone Conflict, Hybrid Warfare, Information and Influence Operations), Homeland Defense/Security, and the Arctic and Space domains.